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The Pirate Code

Arrrrg! Our rules be as follows!


Pirates don't be sharing early access content that follows EA's rules. Arg!

Don't share any content from early access or free creators. That's rude. 


Pirates listen to the cap'n and all his first mates!

Listen to admin/mods. Kthx. 


Pirates don't be trolling other pirates. 


Don't be a coconut and troll people. 

Pirates only share booty from those who are already violating the laws of the 7 seas. No booty from other places may be shared. Arrrg!

We only share content that is already in violation of EA's EULA/TOS. We do not pirate other copyrighted content. 


Pirates don't share information about other pirates, or threaten them!


Treat other pirates the way you want to be treated. 

Racism, Homophobia, or other -phobias or -isms are not allowed here. 

Doxxing is illegal, so is threatening people's lives. Don't go to jail over a 3D doll game. Gosh. 


Questions for the pirates...

  • Why pirate stuff? Why not call out the paywall creators who do this stuff?
    Because they've done this shit again, and again, and again. They've been called out. They know what they're doing is wrong. They just want the money and don't care about the consequences.
  • How do I stop you guys from pirating my content? I'm a creator!
    Follow EA's terms of service, and do early access. Don't put shit behind or other paywalls. Otherwise, expect we'll be sharing your content.
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